Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yeah, But Who Do The Troops Support?

The Curmudgeon has always been skeptical of what people say, but much less so if they are willing to put their own money behind it. If a person (not a Lobbyist who is playing both sides for security reasons, but a real person) is willing to contribute to a campaign then they probably really do support that candidate.

So it surprises no one that the person raising the most money from Mormons is Mitt Romney. Nor would one be surprised to learn that John Edwards is getting lots of money from trial lawyers.

But how about military personnel? You know, the ones fighting and dying in Iraq. Who is likely the choice amongst them? Well, if money is the best away to judge (and the Curmudgeon argues it is) then they support the one Republican candidate with the cojones to say we should get out of Iraq. Today!!

That’s right Ron Paul, Best of All, Best of All Ron Paul is the leading recipient of campaign contributions from military personnel. And Barak Obama is second.

Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, former commander in Iraq, had this to say this week, “America is living a nightmare with no end in sight.” He joins a pretty long list of generals who are speaking out as soon as they retire. They can’t while they are on active duty, but once they regain their freedom of speech they are railing against the war and the Bush Administration’s horrendous management.

The Curmudgeon has repeatedly been told that we can’t just leave Iraq. He has never quite grasped the concept of why not. Are we worried a war might break out? Too late. Now our only ally has decided that you can indeed just leave. The British are packing their bags even as we speak. By the end of the year they will be down to about 4500 troops in Iraq, about ten percent of what they used to have.

Makes one wonder what changed in England to make them willing to pull their troops. Oh yeah, now I remember, someone new is living at 10 Downing now.

January 2009 cannot get here fast enough.

1 comment:

Shoal Creeker said...

Ironic that the commander-in-chief uses the poor kids as a captive political audience to boot. Doesn't change my mind, though: The U.S. started it and we need to stick it out until things are better, or until our presence is counter-productive. It's our moral imperative, regardless of what we think of the monkey play that got us here.