Thursday, November 8, 2007

They really, really do have WMDs

What should the leader of the free world do to the country that is harboring the terrorist who directed the attack on America on 9/11?

What should the leader of the free world do to the country whose military dictator suspends the constitution and cancels free elections?

Clearly the answer is he should give them $150 million a month. Forever.

That must be the right answer, or why else would George W. Bush be doing so. There has been little doubt that Osama bin Laden has been hiding in the mountain areas of Pakistan for years now. But our “friend” Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf has made only half-hearted shows of searching for him and has not allowed US troops into his country to search on their own. But he has been such a good “friend” we have sent him $11 billion since 9/11.

Funny that on 9/10 we were enforcing economic sanctions on Pakistan for such transgressions as testing a nuclear weapon in 1998 and our “friend” Gen. Musharraf taking control of the country in a coup in 1999.

And what have we gotten for our $11 billion? Not Osama bin Laden. And now not democracy.

Dick the Butcher’s famous line in Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part II has been taken to heart in Pakistan.

“First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

In fairness we don’t know that Musharraf has had all the lawyers killed, yet. But he has had something like 3500 of them arrested. Why? So there is no one left to protest the fact that he has suspended the constitution and disbanded the courts.

But don’t worry our government is taking stern steps. George W. has already stepped forward with stern words about how they should have elections over there. Condoleezza Rice has gone so far as to say that if this activity continues we may even have to review our aid package.

Really? We’re going to let little things like harboring the most wanted terrorist in the world and suspending all efforts at democracy come between us and our “friend.”

Well, no not really. We’re just going to review it. The $150 million will be given again next month, and the next, and the next, and…….. Who knows, maybe the review will determine that we just need to send them a little more. Maybe $200 million a month would help them more. After all, we can afford it. We’re only $9 trillion in debt. That’s $9,000,000,000,000.00. Our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying for this.

But it could get worse. Much worse. Remember the sanctions we imposed in 1998? We did that because they developed nuclear weapons. Not that somebody named Curveball said they wanted to develop nuclear weapons. But because they really did. We saw the explosion we they tested it. It works.

Pakistan is on the verge of becoming highly unstable and there are known terrorists there. What could possible go wrong?

“Send lawyers, guns and money. Dad, get me out of this.” Warren Zevon

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