Friday, November 16, 2007

Perry Hides Perry's Million Dollars

Bob Perry has long been known as the primary financier of the Forces of Evil. And he has long been known as the primary financier of Rick Perry. So why try to hide the fact?

What is the point of Bob Perry giving $1 million to the Republican Governors Association so that the Republican Governors Association can give $1 million to Rick Perry?

There is only one possible explanation; they were trying to hide the fact that Bob Perry was giving Rick Perry $1 million more. Why would they try to hide that?

It is certainly no secret that Bob Perry has contributed tons of money to Rick Perry and to such notable groups as The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Texans for Lawsuit Reform.

And it is no secret that Bob Perry has gotten virtually everything he has wanted from Rick Perry and the Republican led Texas Legislature. Tort reform and a pro-industry Texas Residential Construction Commission come to mind.

Did either Perry do anything illegal? Maybe not. Did the Republican Governors Association violate Texas election law? Maybe, probably not. Does Chris Bell’s lawsuit have a chance? Nope. (Hope there is no way for it to wind up in Sharon Keller’s court or Bell might get the death penalty.)

Was it stupid to try to hide the contribution? Absolutely.

Didn’t Craddick and Bill Hammond teach you anything? Didn’t you learn anything from Nixon? It is never what you did that really gets you; it is when you try to cover it up that you get into trouble.

Another $1 million from Bob Perry would have been a one day story. Now let’s watch it play out.

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