Friday, January 25, 2008

Damned Writer's Strike

Because of it there was absolutely nothing on TV last night so I actually watched about the last 45 minutes of the Republican debate.


Mr. 9/11: He is the scariest candidate I can ever remember. He just looks and sounds scary. Those glasses that magnify is eyes are too much. If he is inagurated on January 19th he will nuke somebody by Feb. 1.

Ron Paul: Three words: Bat Shit Crazy!!!

The Mormon: Too slick, too made-up. He is most likely a robot of some kind. I don't think he is an actual human being. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't make the best President of this horrid bunch.

H*ck the Hick: I believe he was probably quite at home when he lived in the trailer house on the lawn of the Arkansas Governor's Mansion. Goober Pyle should not be President of the U S of A.

Grumpy old Man: Does he really think he is funny? Nobody in the Republican Party likes this guy. They certainly don't trust him because he usually votes against them. But when he tries to be funny he comes across like the Great Uncle that you won't let be alone in the same room as your children.

The Lazy Actor Guy: I'm not sure if he was there or not. It is always so hard to tell with him. Has he officially dropped out, or is it too much effort to pick up the phone and tell somebody?

Is this really all the Republicans have? I heard an NPR story (with lovely musical interludes) this week where they were interviewing Republican voters in Florida. One of the voters was hoping Mr. 9/11 would win Florida because he thought that might bring them closer to a brokered convention where the Gray-Beards of the GOP could choose somebody else as the nominee.

Wishful thinking, but looking at this motley crew you can't blame him for hoping.

1 comment:

Deece said...

The Goober Pyles of this proud country resent your smart-alecky comments.